Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him, and He will act. Psalm 37:5

Saturday, July 31, 2010

The end is near...

Well sweet friends this week was a good one to say the least. I cannot believe project is coming to a close.  I have seriously fallen in love with this city and the people in it. Last weekend we did an outreach with some people in the tougher neighborhoods. Let me tell you, going out to the beach was fabulous, but going into the neighborhood, where people live, I learned so much about loving people and meeting them right where they're at. We handed out groceries and hotdogs and simply talked to people. It was a true blessing to me. It certainly reminds me that one, God provides and two, we are often times more blessed than we realize. It was such a humbling and rewarding experience.
     I cannot express the way I am currently feeling about returning home in just 2 short days. It makes me want to throw up just thinking about it. We all know Megan does not do well with drastic changes, but I am convinced the Lord is trying to teach me something through them because I cannot seem to escape them. I know I've said this before, but the friendships I have built here are like no others. I want to do life with these people everyday. I want to be able to say "see you soon" But in all reality, that is not realistic at all. I don't know the next time we will all be together, maybe never. But what I do know is the Lord met us here this summer and changed our lives. We will forever be bonded through the work He has done in each of our lives and for that reason alone I can find peace in what is coming. These friendships are based on Christ and I can't express how thankful I am for that.
    I am excited to return home to see my sweet best friends that I have been missing in that sweet little town I call home. I have missed you all dearly. But yet again, that visit will be bitter sweet as I will only be there for 8 days. Oh how life begins to fly. I am now understanding and believing that our lives are flying by and we can either chose to embrace it and use the time we have the way the Lord intended or we can watch it go by simply standing on the sidelines.
   These next two transitions will probably be harder than my first transition to college, but I know that the Lord will hold onto me no matter what. In Lamentations 3:22 it says "The steadfast of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end they are new every morning." This is one of many verses I have fallen in love with this summer. He promises to renew us and never leave. Please pray for me and my friends as we are preparing to leave. It's going to be hard for all of us I feel. Thanks again for all that you do. I wouldn't be here without your prayers and support. Love you all dearly.

Lots of Bitter Sweet Summer Love,


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

'Tis so sweet!

Ok so pretty much embarrassing that I have not updated in, oh, you know, like an entire MONTH! Oh please forgive me! I have been having literally the time of my life! Growing close to sweet friends, sharing Jesus' love, and learning something new about his mercy and grace every day is pretty much the cooooolest thing ever. I cannot even begin to explain how much I have grown and what I have learned. It has been so cool to live with three other girls that truly care about me and my walk with the Lord. They hold me accountable and are brutally honest, but yet we can have Ke$ha dance parties whenever we have a free minute (and it's not during quiet hours of course). The more I am learning and experiencing the more I know this is exactly where I am supposed to be this summer. It is most definitely a unique experience, one that I might never have again. I am really looking forward to my time with them in the next/ last three weeks we have here. We have so many things to do it's scary to think the time will fly so fast. I can't believe the summer is nearly over. I feel as if I live in a time warp where time is outside of reality. If i'm being totally honest I feel as if I have only been here for one month. It's kinda funny to talk to people from home or other places and hear about their weeks. I feel like they have had so much more time in their summers than I have. But not complaining at all!!! I would gladly do project again more than once probably. I cannot reiterate enough how much I have fallen in love with these people. It's truly a testament to God's love. I mean let's be honest, 40 college students living in close quarters, it's bound to get hostile. But nope...hasn't been the case thus far! Thank goodness!!
        I turned 20 yesterday...still not sure how I feel about it. Honestly this is the first time in my life I legitimately feel like I'm getting old. My friend Anna calls it my quarter life crisis! haha I think I'll adopt that! It's kinda scary to think about all that has happened in the last decade of my life and then thinking forward to the next. I mean so much can happen in your 20's. I mean I'll graduate college, probably get a big girl job, buy my own house and car, and Lord willing I might just even get married and have kids. WHOA! I know super scary thought, I know. But for now I think I'll enjoy my simple college life, loving Jesus, building sweet relationships, and learning something new everyday! I'm hoping that I will learn to embrace the fact that I am now 19+1 as Anna would also say! =) I'm excited to see what the Lord has in the next few weeks, into my new and exciting school experience, and yes even onto the next ten years of my life. Oh my word I just had a bad thought....I'll be 30 in ten years! Yikes, my life is basically taking off without me! ahhhhh! haha! But for now I hope this finds you in a sweet spot, embracing where the Lord has you, looking forward to what is to come, but not forgetting to enjoy where you're at. I promise, promise, promise I will update in a more timely fashion, but for now I'm going to spend time with my sweet friend Anna! Love you all lots! And miss you too!!

Lots of Hot Southern Love,
